Refrigeration Evaporator Fan

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Refrigeration is a process of moving heat from one location to another in controlled conditions. In the refrigeration cycle, there are five basic components: fluid refrigerant; a compressor, which controls the flow of refrigerant; the condenser coils; the evaporator coils; and something called an expansion device(usually a TX valve).

 evaporator fan in refrigeration.png

The evaporator is a heat exchanger used to transfer heat from the air of a refrigerated space to the refrigerant. Evaporators are usually constructed of a fin and tube coil, fan/s, a cabinet which includes a condensate drain. The evaporator fan of your refrigerator is found in the freezer compartment. It functions to receive the air coming from the evaporator coil and proceeds to circulate the air into the whole unit. The evaporator fan functions closely with the damper assembly of your refrigerator that is responsible with controlling how much cold air gets to be distributed into the fresh food compartment of your refrigerator.


Traditional fans used to move air across the evaporator and condenser coils typically utylize shaded pole or permanent split capacitor motors, which tend to be extremely inefficient. With the spread of EC fan, the trend in recent years has been to replace these with ECM (Electronically Commutated Motor) motors that can reduce energy usage by 65% or more and Increase net cooling capacity of evaporator fan.


Summarizing customer application cases, direct current power supply EC fans are often selected. PBM models have been applied smoothly with zero failure feedback report. Successful application examples are PA3N250B24H and PB3N220B24H as refrigeration evaporator fans. They are also best selling models for ventilation. To learn details of the two fans, pls kindly view under the following product links.




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